

       珠海市申科譜?業科技有限公司是?家專注于?端標準?業設備設計和?產的國際化公司。總部位于珠海,在上海、北京和成都設有辦事處;在芬蘭設?有研發中?和?產基地, 同時在美國、德國、丹?設有分公司,在匈?利和法國設有辦事處。申科譜品牌已有40多年的發展歷程,是全球領先的?業制程?動化解決?案提供商。申科譜?業擁有遍布全球的銷售和售后服務?絡,致?于快速響應客?需求和為客?提供快捷的現場服務。


       Cencorp (Zhuhai) Industrial Technology Co., Ltd. is an international company providing advanced standard industrial equipment with brand history over 40 years. Headquartered in Zhuhai China, sharing R&D centers and production both in China and Finland, with branches in the United States, Germany, Denmark, and offices in Hungary, France, Shanghai, Beijing and Chengdu. Cencorp Industry is a world leading provider of industrial automation, with strong innovation and global team support to deliver the best solution to meet various customers’ needs .

      Cencorp Industry provides standard equipment of laser, dispensing, depaneling, odd-form placement and semiconductor process for customers in the fields of automotive electronics, industrial control, new energy, consumer electronics and semiconductors. We also provide customized solutions for key customers.


Copyright ? 2010 中國人工智能學會 互聯網ICP備案:京ICP備06029423號-1
地址: 北京市海淀區西土城路10號 郵編: 100876 技術支持: 010-62283919

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